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Design your own Xbox 360 themes and win prizes

by Steven Williamson on 18 March 2008, 08:56

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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42" HDTV and more up for grabs

Disruptive Media Publishers, the company behind gamer pictures and themes for Xbox 360, is issuing a challenge to users to create their own themes. Winners will see their theme being made available on the Xbox live marketplace.

Users can visit www.my360theme.com , where they will find detailed instructions and a content template. Once material has been created to the proper specs, a simple file upload tool will allow users to transfer their content & associated information to DP’s servers. Upon submission, users can also choose to be affiliated with a specific Xbox 360 community partner.

After an internal quality review process, approved content will appear in a community gallery page on www.my360theme.com , where individuals vote to determine the top content. Real-time voting tabulates the top individual themes based on the number of votes received. At the conclusion of the contest, the top individual theme (as voted on by the community) will be officially published to Xbox live marketplace and, along with having content for purchase by Xbox live users, will receive a grand prize package that includes a 42” HDTV and surround sound home theatre system, a library of Xbox 360 games, a Blu-ray DVD Player and a Nokia N81.

Dynamic leaderboards will also track a “community score” based on cumulative votes for themes affiliated with a community partner. In addition to the individual prizes, the community partner with the highest score will receive additional prizing, including an Xbox 360 game library and electronic store gift cards. DP’s participating community partners include:

• 360style.net
• 360sync
• 360voice.com
• Evil Avatar
• Hawty McBloggy
• Platform Nation
• The10k.com
• Unscripted 360
• Xbox Addict

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