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Wii continues to dominate in Far East

by Steven Williamson on 2 July 2007, 09:38

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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The latest sales figures in Japan show an increase in the dominance of Nintendo's Wii last month, with the PS3 and Xbox 360 trailing far behind.

Enterbrain has published the figures for June, which show that 270,974 were sold in the four weeks prior to June 24th with PS3 selling 41,628 units and the Xbox 360 selling just 17,616.

According to Reuters, shares in Nintendo were up 0.2 percent at 45,200 yen, while Sony, a company with sales eight times as big as Nintendo's, fell 0.3 percent to 6,310 yen.The Nikkei average was down 0.19 percent.

As more software becomes available Sony are expecting sales of the PS3 to pick up around the Christmas period.

"We have a larger platform-dedicated development resource than our competitors combined. So all of that goes towards the fact that the best games with the best technology are coming exclusively to [Sony] platforms," said Sony's Phil Harrison to Game Informer magazine.

Source :: Reuters

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