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No working PS3 in Liepzig as Sony shares fall

by Steven Williamson on 25 August 2006, 09:54

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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GC 2006 Since the Games Convention began on the 23rd August there seems to be very little PS3 news and rumours are circulating that Sony will not reach its PS3 shipment target. The Inquirer are reporting that, although Sony have the hardware in Liepzig, they are not switching it on. Apparently Sony are claiming that it is the final build but didn't want to show off the console because 'here is a hidden secret feature that Sony doesn’t want to show off yet.'

Analysts have also slashed their shipment predictions for the next-gen console as Sony shares dropped yesterday. Sony had forecasted that 6 million Playstation 3 systems would be shipped by the end of March 2007, but the anaylst, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities has predicted that only 3 million units will be ready and have also dropped Sony's company rating from '3' to '2'.

Shares in Sony fell by 3% yesterday.

Source : The Inquirer and Reuters [advert]

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Another blow to the George Foreman Lean mean gaming machine.

I think I'm a bit late to realise it but play.com have nudged the pre-order price to £549 with 3 games now but can't guarantee Xmas delivery.
its was always that price wasn't it..
When you give people bairly useful, expensive, features like Blue-Ray and way more cores than they need the price will allways be a problem.
So what do you reckon this hidden secret feature is?
It works and it doesn't melt the case. Nobody was expecting that with all the problems Sony was having getting it into the case.