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HIS brings IceQ to HD 6970

by Navin Maini on 23 May 2011, 14:22

Tags: HiS Graphics

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa5z2

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HIS has applied IceQ to new SKUs powered by AMD's HD 6970 GPU.



Beginning with the HIS 6970 IceQ, core speeds here are tuned in at 880MHz, with 2,048MB GDDR5 memory running at 5,500MHz effective. Kicking it up a notch is the HIS 6970 IceQ TURBO, with core speeds at the 900MHz mark, and 5,600MHz effective for the 2,048MB GDDR5.

HIS tells us that the IceQ cooling solution found on both offerings, delivers a thermal advantage of over 23°C, compared to reference solutions, whilst also being significantly quieter. This is achieved, it is said, thanks to four heat-pipes that provide optimal heat dissipation properties and ‘Black Hole Impeller' technology, that draws cool air from both sides of the fan - apparently increasing cooling potential.

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