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Review: Project Bad Apple

by James Morris on 12 September 2003, 00:00

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qatj

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Fan Control

To allow me to control the speed of the fans from one single point I devised a circuit that would allow me to power the fans from a single point. Its to be made of stripboard as its only a basic circuit.
The parts/tools I needed for this were:

  • Soldering Iron/Solder
  • 4 x 4 Pin female connectors
  • 2 x 3 Pin female connectors
  • Some wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Rheostat fan controller.

The first step is to solder the four 4 pin connectors to the section of stripboard making sure there is space between them and that the copper tracks are connecting them together. Parrallel to the 4 pin connectors solder in the two 3 pin connectors again space them a couple of holes apart. Once these are done you can add the wires , you need two wires powering two of the four pin connectors tracks. The other two that take the power from the top of the three pin connectors to the other 2 spare tracks on the 4 pin ones. After this add a positive and negative pair of wires that connect to a molex connector.

The basic circuit is now done, I have a rheostat which has 3 pin input and output which slots into the three pin connectors. This rheostat is mounted in a spare pci slot as its a convinent way of hiding the switch but it still being accessible.

I tested the circuit out on my shuttle machine and it worked perfectly. I then mounted the circuit using sticky velcro tabs onto the side of the PSU. All the fans in the system are hooked up to this circuit so one turn of the knob controls all of the fans.