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ATI unleashes Catalyst 9.1 drivers; adds OpenGL 3.0 support

by Tarinder Sandhu on 29 January 2009, 16:59

Tags: AMD (NYSE:AMD), ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaquq

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ATI normally drops its monthly Catalyst drivers like clockwork, usually in the middle of the month. Perhaps the driver-team has been recovering from a particularly enjoyable Christmas and New Year, because release 9.1 has been conspicuous by its absence, although an interim driver, Cat. 8.12 hotfix, was released.

On the 29th of the month Catalyst 9.1 makes a formal appearance on ATI's site, and you can find the various incarnations of the driver here.

Leafing through the voluminous release notes, ATI now has support for OpenGL 3.0 in Linux, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

As usual there are a bunch of other fixes and known issues, so head on over to the release notes if you want to learn more.

I'm about to bash my head against a large brick wall because I'm halfway through testing a bunch of cards with a (slightly) older driver, so excuse me.

Download link

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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what an odd link


this one works
Its missing 5 OpenGL 3.0 extensions to make it fully compliant.
Gaaah, AMD's download experience sucks. With 8.12 I had to search around and click through loads of links to get the Avivo package for 32-bit XP; with 9.1 it's just impossible! The ‘Complete Avivo Package’ link just takes you to a stupid survey. What kind of fuddle-headed web designer puts a site live without even testing the internal links?
I think this will be seen as a bit of a disappointing release from ATI, people were expecting some major performance boosts, but i guess not. :confused:
Why were we expecting major performance increases? :\

Because it's the first month of the 2009th year?