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Gamers petition Valve for Counter-Strike 2

by Steven Williamson on 26 January 2010, 15:08

Tags: Valve, PC, FPS

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qavsf

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"Mainstream interest in Counter-Strike needs to be reinvigorated"

Led by Counter Strike enthusiast Sam England gamers are campaigning for a new and updated version of the tactical first-person shooter from Valve.

Sam firmly believes that there is still demand for a new and updated version of Counter-Strike five years after Counter-Strike: Source was released, pointing to the Facebook group he has set up which has over 2,500 people signed up to it in just a couple of weeks.

Sam knows a lot more about Counter-Strike and the community then we do, so in his own words, here is his plea:

With Modern Warfare 2 surpassing 1bn in sales earlier this month [Source: VG Charts], it is clear that the FPS genre is big business. For many years Counter-Strike was highly popular; however with no updates since 2005 the Counter-Strike community is dispersing and moving to newer games like Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress and Modern Warfare 2 on PC. Counter-Strike 2 could come in the form of a complete rebuild, or just an updated and improved Counter-Strike: Source. Either way with new maps, weapons and refreshed graphics the popularity of Counter-Strike will inevitably grow. If Counter-Strike 2 isn't developed then we will surely see one of the most prominent and widely appreciated First Person Shooters in history disappear for good.

Mainstream interest in Counter-Strike needs to be reinvigorated. Modern Warfare 2 dominates the FPS genre on the console; though at the moment there is no FPS on the PC that compares to current popularity of Modern Warfare 2. The most popular multiplayer FPS games on the PC are either non-realistic, less mainstream games or simply very poorly executed ports of console FPS games like Modern Warfare 2. There is no longer a single iconic game on the PC which everyone can enjoy, and play together.

The preference for realism in the FPS gaming genre has been clearly demonstrated by Modern Warfare 2 - therefore Counter-Strike, involving Counter-Terrorist teams combating Terrorists couldn't be more real, and topical. This applies wherever in the world you are, demonstrated by the sheer number of people from every corner of the world joining the Facebook group, showing their support and also visiting CounterStrikePetition.com [Source: Google Analytics]

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