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Mad Catz announces S.U.R.F.R and L.Y.N.X 3 controllers


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One for the sofa, the other a smaller L.Y.N.X 9.

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I really like Alex, what a showman.

Both the S.U.R.F.R and L.Y.N.X.3 look like controllers that I would be interested in, I think the L.Y.N.X.3 would be a great companion device for both my phone and Surface Pro 3 but I do like the idea of a controller with its own keyboard.
I'm not sure having action buttons around the right analogue stick on the S.U.R.F.R would be very good for gaming unless it's just a casual game with minimal controls. Nice idea, just doesn't seem practical.

Edit: It just occurred to me that you normally take your thumb off the right stick to use the action buttons, so forget what I said above !
This guy really needs to buy some clothes that fit. Dressing up in your Dad's jacket is never cool.
This guy really needs to buy some clothes that fit. Dressing up in your Dad's jacket is never cool.

Ouch. Sadly, I agree. Also, if you're going for the ‘cool’ t-shirt and jacket look, you can't actually just use a normal suit jacket, it needs to be a bit stylish! Like the guy behind him at the start, with the light grey jacket.
This guy really needs to buy some clothes that fit. Dressing up in your Dad's jacket is never cool.

Maybe he is a Talking Heads fan? Sadly for him, David Byrne is the only person ever to carry that look off.