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Review: Intel 32nm Core i5 661 Westmere CPU+GPU performance numbers

by David Ross on 4 January 2010, 09:00 3.45

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qavfu

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Bandwidth and memory analysis

ScienceMark 2 memory latency
Intel Core i5 750AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE AMD Phenom II X4 905eIntel Core i5 661 Intel Core 2 Duo E8500Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400

Memory-access latency isn't quite as good as the other IMC-clad Intel chip in this test, Core i5 750, and we can infer that the need for the CPU die to run across the QPI interconnect introduces obvious delays.

Sisoft Sandra 2010 (16.11) - float buffered
Intel Core i5 750AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE AMD Phenom II X4 905eIntel Core 2 Duo E8500Intel Core i5 661Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400

It's clear to see which CPUs use an integrated memory-controller and which don't. Both Core 2 chips communicate with their MCH over a front-side bus. Core i5 661 does reasonably well here.

HEXUS.PiFast - calculation to 10m places
Intel Core i5 750AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE AMD Phenom II X4 905eIntel Core 2 Duo E8500Intel Core i5 661Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400

The single-threaded number-crunching test that is HEXUS.PiFast examines floating-point performance. Spurred on by a relatively high clockspeed and Turbo Boost, the '661 is the fastest of the sub-£150 bunch.