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Now awaiting Google approval, Android 4.0 for ASUS Transformer

by Alistair Lowe on 17 January 2012, 12:02

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabbhf

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It's official folks, ASUS North America confirmed yesterday on its Facebook page that Android 4.0 ICS for the original Transformer tablet is with Google and awaiting approval.

ASUS Transformer Facebook Android 4.0

This follows on from a previous promise by ASUS UK on its Facebook page that it would look to roll-out Android 4.0 on the original Transformer shortly after the release of the Transformer Prime on the 12th. If all goes well and Google finds no fault, the brand spanking new OS will be heading to our trusty "old" Transformers either towards the end of the month or early February.

Fingers crossed!

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This follows on from a previous promise by ASUS UK on its Facebook page that it would look to roll-out Android 4.0 on the original Transformer shortly after the release of the Transformer Prime on the 12th. If all goes well and Google finds no fault, the brand spanking new OS will be heading to our trusty “old” Transformers either towards the end of the month or early February.

Dear Google,
Asus already have ICS on their new Transformer, and it's likely that the differences between that OS image and the one for the older Transformer are going to be minimal. Hence can you please pull your finger out and sign off the ICS image for the old Transformer as soon as possible, (this week would be great!).

Love to the wife and kids,

An Asus Transformer owner.

Can't wait to see whether ICS fixes some/all of the more annoying aspects of the OS on my well-used Transformer. :D Come on Google - hurry up! :rockon:
I just hope the improvements, especially to the browser are worth the wait!
I just hope the improvements, especially to the browser are worth the wait!

Me too!