Do not head for attic!
COC is a unique horror game. It has many features that have been drawn from other dark games such as Theif, Silent Hill and Resident Evil but it creates a unique paranoia that I have never experienced before in a game of this genre. Whilst searching for Volt in the game's first action sequence you experience the first signs of mental health problems. You are not just told that you are going mad, you feel it and you see it. Jack is affected by any traumatic scene or stressful encounter that he experiences throughout the game. If his mental health deteriorates then Jack commits suicide. The effects of insanity can manifest in many ways, blurred vision, hearing loss, mysterious voices, shaking, dizziness, slow down and even an increased sensitivity of controls. A lot of thought has gone into this illusion and the accuracy of these effects is eerie. You actually feel a sense of panic as your heartbeat races and the controller vibrates in unison or your vision goes blurry and you can no longer see what is in front of you.The slow down effect is also petrifying, especially if you have a horde of unruly cult members on your tail. These visual, audio and sensory effects add an extra dimension to the game that constantly makes you feel in jeopardy.

Apart from mental health problems you can also receive physical injuries. By accessing the inventory screen you can heal and review all of those latest impairments. Jack carries morphine which can be used as a pain blocker, this gives you an extra few seconds if you need to escape from a tricky situation, however be aware that your vision blurs for a short period once administered. Jack also carries bandages, splints, stitching kit and antidote. These healing supplies can be used by simply selecting a part of Jack's body that carries a injury and then selecting the correct aid. If you are unsure how to treat a wound the inventory helps you out by placing the relevant supply in bold lettering.

The game also has no map and no radar. This was a conscious decision that helps to add to the reality and atmosphere of the game.To be honest a map isn't needed and the game would not be as good with one. Walking blind around a corner when you don't know what horrors await is an exciting venture. These things all heighten your feelings of anxiety
The controls are simple, press A to view items, talk to characters, open doors or interact with most things. Use the d-pad to cycle through your available weapons and use the right trigger to shoot.The left trigger enables you to aim to get a more accurate shot on anything that may attack you. There are many weapons littered throughout the game, from the standard crowbar to a 50 round machine gun. Find a weapon as quick as possible as you will feel so much safer! The weapons handle well and the zoom option compliments the accurate aiming functions of all artillery. The game isn't all shooting though and you will find plenty of opportunity to use Sneak mode to stealthily creep past unsuspecting opponents.