Don't make me angry...
So, what’s the crack with the Jade Giant then? Those of you that played the Hulk movie tie-in will know that it was a pretty linear experience tied to the storyline of the film and featuring both Hulk and Banner based missions… Radical have now gone for an open ended style of gameplay to let you loose with the Hulk and all his pent up fury.

This open ended structure of gameplay is a huge plus for the game as it pretty much gives you free reign over what you do and how you do it. I think that Radical realised that the best thing about playing the Hulk is being able to smash things up and that was just too limited in the first game, those superbly fun bits of legging around and hurling buses at enemies just didn’t feature enough, happily they’ve corrected that The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

Though the game has a plot running through it that sees the Hulk being predictably persecuted for his ratty disposition, you can spend ages just running around smashing stuff up. The story mode features over 30 missions to work through, but if you fancy you can take a break from that and just do the challenge missions, or go off and explore the city. No matter which you do, you’ll earn yourself ‘smash points’ which you can then spend back at base to enable new moves or power-up Hulks abilities and believe me, you will have to do that to progress!