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Review: The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome - PC

by Steven Williamson on 3 May 2007, 09:15

Tags: Koch Media, Strategy

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaim2

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Don't forget the multiplayer

For all its ambition to recreate some epic battles, the game doesn't quite capture the violence or intensity of what must have been a bloody war. Zoom into the action and you'll see some soldiers standing completely still right in the middle of fight or jabbing their spears into thin air; even wandering around in circles. Occasionally, the AI also override your decisions and will attack a group when you'd specifically ordered them to attack somewhere else. It's a big let down, because the build up to the battles promises so much more and the visual spectacle of the fights do not compliment the excellent musical score in the game.

PSP Version

For a game that's retailing at such a low price, there are a lot of battles on offer so you do get value for money. In addition there is also a multiplayer mode allowing two people to go head to head. It's a fairly basic multi-player mode with limited options to change the game's parameters, but you can immediately pick any of the game's 16 units and set starting levels for EXP and denari.

As a historical game, History Channel: Great Battles of Rome fulfils its purpose well enough. It's a game that is heavily tied-in with accurate historical content and therefore will appeal to anyone who has an interest in the Ancient Modern World. It will be released as a budget title, retailing at £20, which I can understand because, despite the excellent production values of the video footage and the accurate historical content, the options on the battlefield or in the army barracks aren't deep enough for the game to stand up to the likes of Rome: Total War. For the price, I'd definitely recommend giving it a look, but just don't expect a deep strategy game.

The History Channel : Great Battles of Rome is due for release on June 1st.

Authentic footage from History Channel
A long campaign mode Multiplayer

Strategy at it's most basic
AI don't always do what you tell them

A lesson in History and basic strategy concepts. The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome does what it says on the tin.

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The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome- PC

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HEXUS Where2Buy

The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome is due for release on the 1st June , click the following links to order: Play.com

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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im just about to order this game for psp and im wondering if it is good?:confused:
im just about to order this game for psp and im wondering if it is good?:confused:

Hmm, might be okay on PSP. It's really basic strategy though. A 6 year old could work it out.