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SCAN service the gamers at i29

by Nick Haywood on 27 November 2006, 12:19

Tags: SCAN, Multiplay

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qahe3

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Mini-tourneys, fastest laps and prizes

So, what were SCAN doing at i29 that had their stand packed most of the day? Well they were running 12 Isotope systems which were running the visually impressive F.E.A.R. for a bit of multiplayer mayhem. But dotted around the stand were other examples of SCAN’s obvious obsession with everything PC. Take, for example, the Rhino. You’d be hard pressed to find a more extreme bit of PC kit… built into a massive cubic case and covered with grey vinyl to give a skin effect, this really is a beast of a machine that gave plenty of gamers the horn.

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The Chameleon was on show too, being a long time favourite of ours with its ludicrously expensive heat sensitive paint job. It was all I could do to watch without grimacing as gamer after gamer rubbed their hands all over it to watch the pretty colours change… But the Chameleon and the Rhino are really more of SCAN’s version of a ‘concept car’… Sure, you could have one of these for yourself but really these are SCAN’s show off machine… after all, a bit of digital willy waving never hurt anyone.

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Pride of place at the back of the booth was a massive 50” plasma which was running GTR 2. Now fans of SimBin’s games will aware how bloody hard the GTR series is, but an incentive to get sat down and embarrass yourself was the offer of the fastest lap winning something a bit special from XFX… And that wasn’t all that was going on at the SCAN stand… they were running sideline tourneys, letting gamers surf the net from the SCAN pods, giving demos of the sexy media centre stuff and generally being around to answer an gamer’s queries, be they related to SCAN or not…

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