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Apple rolls out iTunes 9.2.1

by Parm Mann on 20 July 2010, 09:50

Tags: iTunes, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qay73

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Just weeks after launching iTunes version 9.2, Apple has made available an update that addresses numerous issues on both Mac and Windows versions of the software

Release 9.2.1, now available from Apple.com, fixes "minor issues" with dragging and dropping items, and solves a performance issue during first sync.

Rather vaguely, "other issues that improve stability and performance"are also included, and Apple adds that "older versions of some incompatible third-party plug-ins" will not automatically be disabled. There's no mention of which specific plug-ins will be killed, though.

In addition to the bug fixes pointed out in Apple's release notes, the "minor" update also comes equipped with a security patch that prevents "unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution" when visiting a maliciously crafted website.

The issue, described as a buffer overflow in itpc URLs, is known to affect the Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later, as well as Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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Don't know about anyone else, but I find it hard to get excited, or, indeed, anything other than pretty annoyed when itunes seems to notify me about 3 times a week that there's a new version available.
Yup, pretty annoying when every time I go to sync my iPod, it needs a 60-120MB download.
Apple adds that “older versions of some incompatible third-party plug-ins” will not automatically be disabled.

lol I imagine that's the Palm software which has been blocked then? Or has that already been “solved” in an earlier version?

I finally got rid of my iPod a few weeks back, so I have no reason to use this crappy software anymore - yipee! Although imo, iTunes sans crap is the way to go, if you must have it installed :P
