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Kylotonn terminate deal with Digital Jesters

by Nick Haywood on 23 November 2005, 11:47

Tags: Digital Jesters

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Kylotonn terminate deal with Digital Jesters

In a Press Release issued today, Kylotonn, the French developers behind Bet On Soldier, have announced they’ve terminated their publishing deal with Digital Jesters.

In a phone call to Roman Vincent, CEO and Producer at Kylotonn, he explained to HEXUS.gaming why Kylotonn have ended the deal.

“For some months now we’ve been having discussions with Terry and Leo from Digital Jester’s over invoices that have been due and not yet paid. For a small company like Kylotonn, it’s very dangerous to be owed so much money. I order for us to keep the IP for Bet On Soldier, we’ve decided to terminate the agreement.”

The publishing deal for Bet On Soldier saw Digital Jesters publishing the game in the UK and the US and despite apparent success in France and Germany, Roman claims Kylotonn have very little idea of how well the game is doing in the two territories covered by Digital Jesters, namely the UK and US.

Vincent continued:

“Digital Jesters seem to not be able to pay several developers and so far 8 or 9 of them have made the same decision as we now have. Kylotonn are owed roughly €100,000 Euros and, after several discussions with Digital Jesters, terminating the agreement was the only path left for us.”

You can check out the full Press Release here.

Looking to the future, Roman added:

“We are now looking for a new publisher to cover the UK and US territories as we still have more to come for Bet On Soldier. We’re working on patches to add more content, make full use of 64bit processors and the Ageia PhysX chip when that becomes available, so Bet On Soldier still has lots to offer the gamer.”

At the time of writing Digital Jesters were un-contactable by phone.