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Q&A - Splinter Cell : Double Agent - PS3

by Steven Williamson on 30 January 2007, 08:47

Tags: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent PS2, Action/Adventure

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1. What are the main changes between the Xbox 360 version of SCDA and the PS3 version? Both for the single player and the multiplayer.

The PlayStation 3 version of SCDA is based on the Next-Gen design of the game, which has already been released on Xbox 360 and PC. However, this version features significant improvements and exclusive content.

The Multiplayer features an additional new spy character (a spy girl), 2 extra maps based on completely new environments and a new set of coop. challenges.

Moreover, the additional time allowed us to increase the polish of both parts of the game.

Overall, the improved accessibility, the multiplayer exclusive content and the motion sensor support are the advantages that make the PS3 version the ultimate version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

2. Is SCDA using the Sixaxis feature that makes PlayStation 3 unique?

The SIXAXIS sensor has been implemented in both part of the game as well.

In the Single Player mode, we were free to experiment various designs for the motion sensor implementation. It is used from time to time to operate various gadgets like picking doors or hacking security systems, or for Sam’s special moves like swimming or paragliding.

In the Multiplayer mode, the player controls the Drone with the tilt function.

We implemented the SIXAXIS control when it was fun to play or adding value to the game play experience.

Click for larger image

3. What was the big reason to implement a hot female multiplayer skin?

Having a female playable character in the game is something we wanted to have since we started working on Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow!

On Double Agent, this idea was still present, but we didn’t have the chance to implement it on time for the first versions. Therefore, when we started working on the PS3 specific content, the spy girl was on top of our list.

We really liked the idea because it really embraces the fact that the spy should be cat-like, very nimble. And for players like me, it’s always more pleasant to follow the acrobatics of a female character, supple and elegant, than those of a born-to-kill-guy!

4. And last, but not least, the PlayStation network has a different setup than Microsofts Xbox Live. Can we expect the same fluid play on Ubisoft’s own servers?

The title uses a network middleware solution already successfully used on PC and PS2. The PlayStation Network Platform provides all the required services to match the Xbox live quality. The online part of the game has been on beta test since November 2006 on PS3 and we are 100% confident to provide a quality online experience.

5. Is there anything else you would like to share with gamers about SCDA for PS3?

Yes, we are very happy with the multiplayer’s extra content we developed specifically for the PS3 version. Rather than just more of the same, the NSA training centre and Kinshasa multiplayer maps are really different than the original multiplayer maps. Those maps have been produced with Ubisoft Milan, Italy, the studio which previously worked on the PS2 Multiplayer maps and we hope the PS3 players will enjoy playing them just as much as we did.

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Found screenshots: http://eurogamer.net/gallery.php?game_id=7028&article_id=72235

PC: “Splinter Cell Double Agent Updater”… Game is up to date!

Have to say this is some real BS that they release “DLC” for playstation without bothering to make the patch available on the PC updater too. I will be waiting and not buying Conviction unless they have changed their ways, ridiculous situation where you get treated like a second class citizen by a publisher for actually having BETTER hardware… As they said themselves, “90 percent of the PS3 gamers will only play SCDA in 720p”

They don't really deserve a second chance after what they did to Deus Ex but whatever.
Reviving a three year old thread ?
Yeah, it's one of the first hits on google for info about the patch ;) And I bet I'm not the only one who decided to get around to playing Double Agent before even looking at Conviction (released today btw after about 4 years)

Talking of year gaps, a funny thing, they seem to have switched part of the in-game advertising scheme off because there are bottles of spirits looking like they are meant to be vodka or whiskey shape but they have the sides and tops noticeably missing so they look rather like ice cubes. Weirdly though you still see adverts for nivia men shaving products etc in it tho, maybe Ubi were charging the advertisers as a subscription per year or something

See what I mean :)
BTW in that rightmost pic above, you see those unnecessary spectacles? Your character wears throughout the whole Kinhasa missions, near the end of the game no less (closeup pic): They are actually meant to be sunglasses, I found out!

I am thinking it's also due to the advertising branding servers being shut down too:

(click the large image once loaded again to view full size)

It seems a bit stupid that they didn't bother to include backup textures with the game unless they just assumed that their games wouldn't be worth playing in 3 years (unlike many others…) when they have apparently either shut most of the servers down (though like mentioned the rather unrealistic static NIVEA For Men ads - which block out where television screens would be in the game - seem to be still present) or ceased to do business with most of the advertisers…

Reminds me a bit of how they are making the new game stop working totally if you lose your internet connection:…I think these two things are probably connected. They and their affiliate partners are unlikely to want you to be able to skip the ads by playing offline (or blocking the game/server from your firewall). Two birds with one stone, from their perspective maybe, if gamers are stupid enough to buy into and support these kind of new even more abusive practices.

edit: Oh and just to prove I'm a real customer: . Wish I wasn't now though, looks like they deserve all the piracy they can get!