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A favour for a favour: share your Wi-Fi broadband with BT and FON

by Tarinder Sandhu on 4 October 2007, 10:40

Tags: British Telecom (LON:BT.A)

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Share and share alike

Wouldn't it be great if you could apportion a part of your home Wi-Fi network to other users and use theirs in return, for free?

That's exactly what BT and FON are rolling out right now.

BT has partnered with Spanish-based FON to create a quid-pro-quo infrastructure where you allow other BT/FON-registered users to log-on securely, via their own credentials, to your Wi-Fi - should they happen to be in your area and in range of your network - in exchange for the same favour at any member's location around the country.

So if you happen to be a subscriber to BT's Total Broadband, membership to this sharing scheme is simply a matter of logging in to your account and stating that you're 'in'.

A quick search reveals a scant number of BT/FON-enabled Wi-Fi spots in this writer's locale, but the idea is a sound one. Read more here.

What do you think?

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Interesting move - esp as they were anti sharing ADSL and suddenly they change… :)
Good point DR.

Also, who's going the one going to get the court summons if you are caught downloading copywrited material. The person “sharing” the broadband or the person “using” the broadband.
Lee @ SCAN;1229416
Good point DR.

Also, who's going the one going to get the court summons if you are caught downloading copywrited material. The person “sharing” the broadband or the person “using” the broadband.

The idea of SafeHarbour is a good one, the same way if your lending Chef's knifes to people, you aren't responsible for anyone they kill, as long as you didn't realise they intended to use it for that purpose.
I am keen to check the AUP for all ISP's since it was BT's rules originally with the wholesale package that you couldn't share it.
i actually have a la fonra or whatever its called around here somewhere i ordered some time back with the intetion of becoming a “bill”

hmm… perhaps i should dig it out.

although, you would think BT would do something other than just promote it, like making BT hotspots free to linuses.