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Rumours suggest NHK's Super Hi-Vision may become a TV standard

by Alistair Lowe on 23 August 2012, 09:09

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When we reported on the immanent release of LG's new 4K 3DTV yesterday, some of our readers noted that there is yet to be an official standard for the broadcast of content beyond 1080p FullHD.

When the Olympics aired, however, Japanese BBC equivalent, NHK, took the opportunity to perform the first ever live broadcast of its Super Hi-Vision standard, airing 8K footage to venues and large screens throughout the UK and Japan. Super Hi-Vision is a UHD (Ultra High Definition) standard that the NHK has been working on since 2003, capable of both 4K and 8K resolutions at a variety of frame-rates.

Super Hi-Vision at the BBC Radio House

Word on the Nikkei wire is that the NHK is close to having this standard, which has now performed successful world-wide live field tests, approved as an official ITU (International Telecommunication Union) standard. Should the approval go ahead, Super Hi-Vision will become the international successor to HDTV and will provide a target for equipment and TV manufacturers and to work towards for making broadcast 4K and 8K resolutions a reality.

HEXUS Forums :: 12 Comments

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Can we please use this as an opportunity to standardise on common framerates worldwide? There's really no need for the 50i/60i - 25p/30p split anymore.
… and thinking about it a bit more, why not support just 24p/48p/72p for drama/studio tv/sports?
I was fortunate to get tickets to see this. The frame rate was 60p but the plan is to increase it to 120p
Too many standards across the regions. 720i 1080i 720p 1080p 24p 25fps 50fps 30fps 60fps all encoding nonsense etc. While all this might sound like a child's play to tech heads it creates a lot of incompatibility and unwanted worries.
Instead of rushing to 4k why don't they try to make one freaking standard across the globe? Start selling TVs/DVD/BR etc. that support ALL formats not just PAL or NTSC etc. And then gradually fade them away into TVs that have unified set of codecs etc.
Whole commerce and marketing makes people forget that they have one life and instead allowing them to relax and enjoy it just keeps bombarding with “new” rubbish every year if not quarter.
When I look back 4-5 years and now - yes there are some fancy tech but nothing revolutionary and certainly nothing amazing for the same price of i.e. TV set 4-5 years back.
Not likely to have stuff on a small disk at that kind of resolution unless compression gets very very good indeed.