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AMD abandons monthly Catalyst release cycle

by Parm Mann on 7 June 2012, 09:25


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Ever wondered what happened to Catalyst 12.5? We thought we'd missed it amid all the jubilee festivities, but it turns out there's been a significant change in the way AMD delivers its Radeon driver updates.

After years of pushing out new graphics drivers on a monthly basis, the red team has confirmed that it is abandoning the "Monthly Catalyst release plan" in an effort to ensure that "every Catalyst release delivers a substantial benefit to our end users."

AMD's naming convention will remain in place; each driver release will be served up in the familiar format of Catalyst: Year.Month, but we'll now see gaps in the numbering scheme. Following April's 12.4 release, AMD has this week made the jump to a 12.6a beta driver, which should evolve into a WHQL release later this month.

Offering less-frequent but feature-packed updates is arguably a good thing - you'll no longer need to gamble with driver updates every four weeks - and, who knows, perhaps having more development time will enable AMD to deliver an improved Catalyst experience.

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Hehe nice screenshot from the olden days ;)

Can't remember if I mentioned this when it was talked about in the forums in a few days ago, but it's a shame in a way, I quite liked the constant tick over of monthly releases when compared to big bruisers from nVidia that weren't as predictable and often caused large changes, not always for the better. But I suppose automatic updates are now improved to a point where notification is at least less of an issue.
AMD drivers have been bad for the past 6 months so hopefully this will help in some way.
Yay, proper time to test and roll out updates instead of pressure to push out untested drivers. This is good news.
Slowly, but surely - that should be the way to do it. Seriously, I was about to get tired of constantly updating Radeon drivers, then later on find out that something in my graphics doesn't work out right. Whenever I get notifications of new updates being available for download, I do not know whether these are essential or not anymore.
Taking a leaf out of Nvidia's book