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Microsoft gearing up for all things touch: Surface SDK to launch at PDC 2008

by Parm Mann on 7 October 2008, 17:11

Tags: Windows 7, Surface, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Microsoft's Robert Levy has confirmed that a software development kit (SDK) for the Microsoft Surface computer will be made available at PDC 2008.

The event kicks off in Los Angeles on October 27th, and Levy suggests that attendees can "hear about the unique attributes of Microsoft Surface computing, dive into vision-based object recognition and core controls like ScatterView, and learn how the Surface SDK aligns with the multi-touch developer roadmap for Windows 7 and WPF".

Levy confirmed that attendees will receive access to the Microsoft Surface SDK, and it should pave the way for many more touch-supporting applications in future.

With the Surface SDK said to align with multi-touch development in Windows 7 - an upcoming operating system known to focus on new interaction - we wouldn't be surprised to see Surface applications running on Windows 7 systems, or vice versa.

We can expect to hear a lot more about Surface, Windows 7 and Microsoft's outlook on touch-based interaction at PDC later this month.

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I can see the point of multi-touch on the table type implentations in casinos, hotels, etc. but theres no way I,m going to be getting my main screen mucked up with greese from my finger tips.

Maybe if I used a smaller, slightly older monitor that I could lay flat on my desk I would appreciate it more (that actually sounds ok, in my head anyway) combined mousemat/touchpad.
I'd agree with you on that one Vinny - I can't see myself having the need to “touch” control my main PC. Ever.

On the other hand, perhaps in a certain scenario it'd be useful. On a tablet PC, certainly. On a dual or tri-screen setup - perhaps one screen as a touch screen? Or, being able to throw windows from screen to screen with a swipe could be handy.

Definitely not something that'll be used at all times, but surely a feature that can be turned into something productive.